Talks & Interviews

Dr Michael Anderson's 19th EPS Mid-Career Prize Lecture.

Dr Michael Anderson discusses motivated forgetting and memory.

"Of course, severe memory loss can be devastating, but forgetting isn't always a bad thing. Some memories are painful or distracting to remember, and an ability to suppress these memories can be useful. Katie Haylor met forgetting expert Michael Anderson from Cambridge University."

Dr Michael Anderson on 'Science in Action' show 'Our Geological Junk' discussing the similarities between the way rats and human forget, and how understanding the active forgetting mechanisms could help in treating traumatic conditions.

Subbu Sankarasubramanian and Dr Michael Anderson talking about Subbu's PhD project on the benefits of motivated forgetting and the potential of non-invasive brain stimulation to 'dial down' traumatic memories.

A joint British Academy/British Pschological Society Lecture by Dr Michael Anderson

A discussion of the concept of adaptive forgetting, with Dr Michael Anderson and two other guests

Radio interview with Dr Michael Anderson

Radio interview with Ben Levy

Radio interview with Dr Michael Anderson
Press Articles

Why Forgetfulness Might Actually Help You
January 22, 2019
Need To Forget A Memory? Focus On A Competing One, New Study
November 07, 2018

How alcohol, time and trying to forget trauma can change what we remember
September 27, 2018

Can't stop thinking unwanted thoughts? This could be why
November 6, 2017
How Your Brain Helps You Stop Thinking About Something
November 3, 2017
Scientists find key to unwanted thoughts
November 3, 2017
Trying to Forget May Impair Memory
September 1, 2016

If You Want to Remember More, Try Remembering Less
June 4, 2015
Can Your Brain Really Be "Full"?
June 2, 2015
The Homer Simpson effect: forgetting to remember
April 25, 2015
Why Remembering Makes Us Forget
April 8, 2015
Repeated remembering 'wipes similar memories'
March 17, 2015
Memories Weaken Without Reinforcement, Study Finds
March 16, 2015
Study: Freud Was Wrong About Repressed Memories
March 19, 2014

Unforgettable: Longing for a better memory? Be careful what you wish for

Recalling Freud: Researchers Uncover Voluntary Repression of Memories
Brain Has Biological Mechanism To Block Unwanted Memories

Science: An Irrepressible Idea

'Science' Showcases Research on Forgetting

Psychologists offer proof of brain’s ability to suppress memories

Brain 'can be trained to forget'

Psychologists uncover suppressed-memory clues